Welcome To My Donation Page

Yoni Cohen

Member of Team Mindy - $116,933
total raised
Recent Donors
  • Yocheved Cohen
    In Memory of Mommy A"H! You got this Yons!!!!
  • Harold And Bayla Stern
    In honor of Yoni and Yocheved!!!! In memory of Mindy A’H
  • Joshua Burstein
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Joshua Ashman
    Go Yoni! We miss you and are so proud of you.
  • Shamshi Kirschner
    In memory of Mindy A”H Will Miss riding with you this year Yoni! Good luck!!
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Ezra Krieger
    Your mother’s Neshama should have an Aliah! Keep doing the greatest of things brother!!
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    In honor of Yoni and Yocheved
  • Zach Eisen
  • Aryeh And Tovi Frank
    In honor of Yoni and Yocheved the best upstairs neighbors you could ever ask for!
  • Shira And Adam Stern
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Eric & Chani Stern
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Tzivia And Aryeh Bak
  • Benjie And Rocky Stern
    So proud!
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Shmuel Englander
  • Dovi Adler
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    Good luck Yoni!
  • Yisrael Dachs
  • Miriam And Shragie Jaskiel
    Good luck Yoyni!
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Michael Cohen
    In memory of Imaa A"H & Mindy A"H, two neshot chayil!
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Elie And Sarah Stern
  • Akiva & Miri Topper
  • Avi Mandel
    Good luck Yoni! From the Cowboys fan
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Eli Spiro
  • Esther Pfeffer
  • Gail Englander
  • Yisrael And Bayla Cohen
    In memory of Mommy A"H - Go Yoni Go!
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    Go Yoni!
  • David & Shifra Zelingher
  • Rabbi Shlomo Cohen
    Go Yoni !!! so very proud of you! Hatzlacha Rabba! In loving memory of Imma [Chaya Cohen] a"h and Mindy a"h who are very, very proud of you, too. Love Sabba.
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Zalman Treitel
    Go yoni!
  • David Korobkin
    In honor if Yoni
  • Koby & Daniella Greenwald
  • Pesach And Tehila Weiss
  • Avi Zelinger
  • Nossi Rosenfeld
  • Meir Solomon
  • Esti And Pinny Brachfeld
  • Anonymous Sponsor
    Go Yoni!
  • Rahm Solnik
  • Danni Noskow
    In honor of yoni the man!
  • Isaac Zwick
    T”L Yoni, keep on keepin’ on! - Yozzie & Adina Zwick
  • Joseph Kaufman
  • Anonymous Sponsor
  • Charles Berkovits
View All

Thank you for visiting my page! I am very excited to be a rider in this years 100 Ride to benefit Kupath Ezra of Rockland County and Tomche Shabbos of Rockland County.

We will be cycling 50 or 80 miles over the picturesque roads of Rockland County.

We are not only riding for our health, we are riding to raise funds for these charitable organizations which supply integral life necessities for poor families in Rockland County.

Please help me and contribute to this wonderful cause and make different in the lives of so many poor families.

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