All Donors

Anonymous Sponsor $250.00
Zev Shapiro $250.00
We are cheering for you!
Anonymous Sponsor $180.00
You da best
Andrew Gluck $180.00
Anonymous Sponsor $180.00
Go Uncle Yitzy!! From your favorite Monsey nieces and nephews!!
Joseph Melohn $180.00
Aliza G $101.00
Anonymous Sponsor $101.00
Atleast peddle a bit so you and you electric bike blend in somewhat(:
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
#1 like I said!!! Woohooo Yitzels you got this!! EB
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
We love you Yitzy. Love Shimon
Anonymous Sponsor $100.00
Yehuda Rothschild $100.00
Nish aherr nisht aderr
Yaakov Klein $96.00
Lazy Ellenberg $54.00
Nachy Perlman $50.00
Gobster is shtarkkkk
Anonymous Sponsor $36.00
Joshuah Rothstein $18.00
Mordenai Goldberg $5.00
You better make it to the finish line