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Zev Shapiro
We are cheering for you!
Anonymous Sponsor
You da best
Andrew Gluck
Anonymous Sponsor
Go Uncle Yitzy!! From your favorite Monsey nieces and nephews!!
Joseph Melohn
Aliza G
Anonymous Sponsor
Atleast peddle a bit so you and you electric bike blend in somewhat(:
Anonymous Sponsor
#1 like I said!!! Woohooo Yitzels you got this!! EB
Anonymous Sponsor
We love you Yitzy. Love Shimon
Anonymous Sponsor
Yehuda Rothschild
Nish aherr nisht aderr
Yaakov Klein
Lazy Ellenberg
Nachy Perlman
Gobster is shtarkkkk
Anonymous Sponsor
Joshuah Rothstein
Mordenai Goldberg
You better make it to the finish line